Language Link International English for Success

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Language Link International - English for Success

Language Link is a leading brand in language education and training, established in 1975 in London. We have trained millions of language learners and teachers across the globe and contributed to the advancement and dissemination of language education.

We operate in 13 countries and over 120 centres, offering high-quality English teaching programmes, training, and professional development for teachers.

Language Link provides various programmes that combine professional skills training with English language learning, enabling our students to master foreign languages and meet the professional demands of their careers.

Language Link is a reputable and long-standing brand that has trained competent and highly qualified language teachers and supported many aspiring language teachers worldwide.

Language Link is proud to have a vast network of educational partners and to be one of the active agents in connecting global students with top-notch educational institutions around the world, helping them to achieve their dreams of studying abroad.

Language Link, founded in 1975, has grown to become one of the most successful international language instruction organisations. Our London school is British Council-accredited and a member of English UK.

181 Earl’s Court Road London SW5 9RD